Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Vocabulary #6

Adroit- skillful in use of hands or body.
Athletes have to be very adroit in order to   be a good player.
Amicable- showing goodwill; friendly
My little cousin is very amicable when playing with other children.
Averse- strong feeling against;opposed
I am averse to abortion, I think it is so horrible.
Belligerent- warlike;aggressive
I went belligerent when the girl crossed me in a rude manner.
Benevolent- expressing goodwill or kindly feelings wanting to help others
The celebrities became very benevolent after hearing about the storm that hit the jersey shore.
Cursory- going rapidly over something without noticing details
I am very cursory when it comes to reviewing my work when I am tired.
Duplicity- speaking or acting two different ways to different people concerning the same matter 
The man that was convicted of the felony was telling different stories, very duplicity.
Extol- to praise highly
Me and my family are Catholics and extol The Lord .
Feasible- capable of being done 
The tasks he had to take care of was very feasible.
Grimace- a facial expression that indicates disapproval
My mom gave a grimace at my younger sisters boyfriend.
Holocaust- a great or complete devastation or destruction.
I pray that there will never be a holocaust in the future that will take any lives or will result in destruction.
Impervious- not permitting passage; incapable of being influenced
I am a very impervious person and I don't easily fall into peer pressure.
Impetus- moving force
The ball was impetus after she had thrown it across the room.
Jeopardy- hazard or risk of exposure to loss, death, injury, or harm
My dog was in jeopardy when she ran in the middle of the street.
Meticulous- showing extreme care about details
My grandma is very meticulous when I comes to sewing, she always wants perfection.
Nostalgia- desire to go back to a point in ones life; yearning for happiness of a former place or time
I've always had a nostalgia of reliving junior high, I want to go back, no care sir worries.
Quintessence- the perfect embodiment of something
The sunset at the beach had such a quintessence to it.
Retrogress- to move backwards in a worse condition 
He retrogressed after coming back from rehab when he began using drugs again.
Scrutinize- to examine in detail
Some teachers are very scrutinizing.
Tepid- moderately warm/ or characterized by a lack of force of enthusiasm
The water was very tepid.
He was very tepid after waking up from his nap.
Accede- to give consent;approval
My mom acceded the video permission slip.
Brandish- to shake it wave as a weapon;flourish
He was brandishing the knife towards her.
Compromise- to include or contain 
Our class compromises of 31 students.
Deft- dexterous, humble, clever
He was a very deft bank robber, he nearly got away with everything.
Destitute- lacking food, clothing, and shelter.
Most poor African children are destitute.
Explicit- clearly developed and/or formulated.
The artists album was very explicit.
Extirpate- to remove or destroy totally; exterminate 
The exterminators came to extirpate the bugs.
Inopportune- inappropriate;inconvenient
The storm was especially opportune for the homeless.
Ironic- using words to convey meaning that is the opposite of literal meaning.
It was ironic that I was in Iceland eating ice cream.
Musty- having an odor of mold or old buildings/ outdated 
The old library books had musty smells to them.
Officious- very aggressive in helping people who don't need help.
My teacher is very officious to students even if we get the subject.
Ominous- portending harm or evil.
The ominous man in black disappeared into the darkness.
Pinnacle- highest if success or power.
He reached the pinnacle of his career after becoming the CEO.
Rampant- raging; furious 
The tiger grew very rampant with the zookeeper.
Solace- something that gives comfort or relief 
The child's visit was the dying mothers only solace. 
Stately- majestic;impressive
Their new home was very stately compared to their last.
Supple- flexible; bent without breaking
The spatula was very supple.
Suppress- to abolish/ end someone's activities.
My cousin went to rehab the suppress his drug use.
Venal- able to be purchased in return for a bribe
He made venal agreements in order to get his drugs.


I think that the net vibes website is pretty cool. It'll definitely make it easier to do my everyday online things. For example go to the blogger, or just go to YouTube. I think this is such a great thing for business as well. I read about net vibes and they have 1000+ of the worlds leading brands, agencies, etc. and they all started and branched off from this website that we are using.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Freedom of Choice

Freedom of choice, how great would it be do whatever you want, however you want, whenever you want?! Well there are some pros as well as cons about having freedom of choice. Some pros are you get to direct your own life, make your own choices with out an adult or superior  hounding you for doing something they wouldn't. It's freedom! In life, you come across many decisions you have to make every day. From the smallest decisions between an apple or orange, to the colleges you got accepted to. It helps to have a second opinion sometimes. The cons of having freedom of choice is not being mature enough to make some choices. Some elders have been what we have so they know better than to do it, and they don't want us too. I think we should learn from our mistakes though. Because saying no, will make us want to do it more. Overall, I think I like making my own choices. Someone's input is always helpful sometimes, but in the end I'm my own person and I'm gonna make my own decision.

Declaration of Learning Independence

I promise myself to do great at everything  you assign and to try my hardest at all I do. I want to do the best for myself because if I don't then it'll all come back to me. It's not gonna hurt anyone but myself. I want to get a 4.0 both semesters and complete all assignments, and ask for help if I need it. I don't want to fall behind because I am too afraid or lazy to ask a question. I'm going to put my best foot forward in everything that I do.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Vocabulary #5

Adroit- skillful in use of hands or body.
Athletes have to be very adroit in order to   be a good player.
Amicable- showing goodwill; friendly
My little cousin is very amicable when playing with other children.
Averse- strong feeling against;opposed
I am averse to abortion, I think it is so horrible.
Belligerent- warlike;aggressive
I went belligerent when the girl crossed me in a rude manner.
Benevolent- expressing goodwill or kindly feelings wanting to help others
The celebrities became very benevolent after hearing about the storm that hit the jersey shore.
Cursory- going rapidly over something without noticing details
I am very cursory when it comes to reviewing my work when I am tired.
Duplicity- speaking or acting two different ways to different people concerning the same matter 
The man that was convicted of the felony was telling different stories, very duplicity.
Extol- to praise highly
Me and my family are Catholics and extol The Lord .
Feasible- capable of being done 
The tasks he had to take care of was very feasible.
Grimace- a facial expression that indicates disapproval
My mom gave a grimace at my younger sisters boyfriend.
Holocaust- a great or complete devastation or destruction.
I pray that there will never be a holocaust in the future that will take any lives or will result in destruction.
Impervious- not permitting passage; incapable of being influenced
I am a very impervious person and I don't easily fall into peer pressure.
Impetus- moving force
The ball was impetus after she had thrown it across the room.
Jeopardy- hazard or risk of exposure to loss, death, injury, or harm
My dog was in jeopardy when she ran in the middle of the street.
Meticulous- showing extreme care about details
My grandma is very meticulous when I comes to sewing, she always wants perfection.
Nostalgia- desire to go back to a point in ones life; yearning for happiness of a former place or time
I've always had a nostalgia of reliving junior high, I want to go back, no care sir worries.
Quintessence- the perfect embodiment of something
The sunset at the beach had such a quintessence to it.
Retrogress- to move backwards in a worse condition 
He retrogressed after coming back from rehab when he began using drugs again.
Scrutinize- to examine in detail
Some teachers are very scrutinizing.
Tepid- moderately warm/ or characterized by a lack of force of enthusiasm
The water was very tepid.
He was very tepid after waking up from his nap.

No Child Left Untableted

Personally from my experience going from not even having to use the Internet to look up my homework or what to do in class , to Internet being the only source has its pros and cons. I think it is a great in some ways because its easier, now a days everyone has Internet connection or a smart phone so it easier to access. Sometimes if you forget to do an assignment it's faster to do it typing than writing in a piece if paper. It's not so beneficial because with all other things going around, some days it is easier, in my opinion, to assign things and just do them on paper. I like to know what I have to do and manage everything instead of having to look up my assignments and all that. If I had to choose I think I would honestly choose non Internet . But hey if my school gave me a tablet I wouldn't say no !

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Vocabulary #4

Accede- to give consent;approval
My mom acceded the video permission slip.
Brandish- to shake it wave as a weapon;flourish
He was brandishing the knife towards her.
Compromise- to include or contain 
Our class compromises of 31 students.
Deft- dexterous, humble, clever
He was a very deft bank robber, he nearly got away with everything.
Destitute- lacking food, clothing, and shelter.
Most poor African children are destitute.
Explicit- clearly developed and/or formulated.
The artists album was very explicit.
Extirpate- to remove or destroy totally; exterminate 
The exterminators came to extirpate the bugs.
Inopportune- inappropriate;inconvenient
The storm was especially opportune for the homeless.
Ironic- using words to convey meaning that is the opposite of literal meaning.
It was ironic that I was in Iceland eating ice cream.
Musty- having an odor of mold or old buildings/ outdated 
The old library books had musty smells to them.
Officious- very aggressive in helping people who don't need help.
My teacher is very officious to students even if we get the subject.
Ominous- portending harm or evil.
The ominous man in black disappeared into the darkness.
Pinnacle- highest if success or power.
He reached the pinnacle of his career after becoming the CEO.
Rampant- raging; furious 
The tiger grew very rampant with the zookeeper.
Solace- something that gives comfort or relief 
The child's visit was the dying mothers only solace. 
Stately- majestic;impressive
Their new home was very stately compared to their last.
Supple- flexible; bent without breaking
The spatula was very supple.
Suppress- to abolish/ end someone's activities.
My cousin went to rehab the suppress his drug use.
Venal- able to be purchased in return for a bribe
He made venal agreements in order to get his drugs.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Will Study For Food

Well I researched Fresno state and and I would probably need about $13,000 for a school year. That'll pay for my dorm, my meals, my books, and other necessities I will need. In all honesty I don't think I'm going to go here though cause I have no clue what I want to do, or be when I grow up. My real plan is to go to Allan Hancock for my general education and hopefully transfer in 2 years to a college that has the major I want to study in.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Vocabulary #3

Accomplice-a person who knowingly helps another in a crime or wrong doing, often as a subordinate .
The lady on the news was an accomplice to a murder so she had been arrested.
Annihilate- to reduce to utter ruin or nonexistence.
King Kong was going to annihilate the whole city.
Arbitrary- subject to individual will or judgement without restriction;contingent solely upon ones discretion .
The graph we had made was so arbitrary.
My sister is extremely brazen around people.
Catalyst-a substance that causes or accelerates a chemical reaction with out itself being affected .
The catalyst in the experiment caused the reaction to bubble.
Exodus- a going out; a departure or emigration usually of a large number of people.
The exodus in the summer to Mexico was abundant.
Facilitate- to make easier/to assist progress of a (person)
We had to facilitate about the price of the house due to financial problems.
Incorrigible- bad beyond correction or reform. 
After my dog had gotten a hold of the basketball it was incorrigible.
Latent- present but not visible.
My Invisalign is latent.
Militant- vigorously active and aggressive especially in support of a cause.
The group outside of the clinic was very militant because they were protesting against abortion.
Morose- gloomily or sullenly ill-humored, as a person or mood.
After her dog died she was very morose.
Opaque- not transparent or translucent; not allowing light to pass through.
Her tint in her car is translucent.
Paramount- supreme;above others in rank.
She is paramount because of her hard work, wins, and awards.
Prattle- to talk to in a foolish way; chatter; babble.
He was acting foolish and was prattling on and on.
Rebut- to refute by evidence or argument.  
I had to rebut my opinion to show them I was right.
Reprimand- a severe reproof or rebuke; especially a formal one by a person in authority.
She was reprimanded by her boss because she had stolen money from the register.
Servitude- slavery or bondage of any kind.
I felt like the work I had done for my job was servitude.
Slapdash- in a hasty haphazard manner.
Her answer to the question was very slapdash and careless.
Stagnant- not flowing or running as water, air, etc.
I think medical careers are always going to be stagnant.
Succumb- to give way to a superior force; yield.
I succumbed to the oncoming traffic.