Monday, September 16, 2013

Vocabulary #5

Adroit- skillful in use of hands or body.
Athletes have to be very adroit in order to   be a good player.
Amicable- showing goodwill; friendly
My little cousin is very amicable when playing with other children.
Averse- strong feeling against;opposed
I am averse to abortion, I think it is so horrible.
Belligerent- warlike;aggressive
I went belligerent when the girl crossed me in a rude manner.
Benevolent- expressing goodwill or kindly feelings wanting to help others
The celebrities became very benevolent after hearing about the storm that hit the jersey shore.
Cursory- going rapidly over something without noticing details
I am very cursory when it comes to reviewing my work when I am tired.
Duplicity- speaking or acting two different ways to different people concerning the same matter 
The man that was convicted of the felony was telling different stories, very duplicity.
Extol- to praise highly
Me and my family are Catholics and extol The Lord .
Feasible- capable of being done 
The tasks he had to take care of was very feasible.
Grimace- a facial expression that indicates disapproval
My mom gave a grimace at my younger sisters boyfriend.
Holocaust- a great or complete devastation or destruction.
I pray that there will never be a holocaust in the future that will take any lives or will result in destruction.
Impervious- not permitting passage; incapable of being influenced
I am a very impervious person and I don't easily fall into peer pressure.
Impetus- moving force
The ball was impetus after she had thrown it across the room.
Jeopardy- hazard or risk of exposure to loss, death, injury, or harm
My dog was in jeopardy when she ran in the middle of the street.
Meticulous- showing extreme care about details
My grandma is very meticulous when I comes to sewing, she always wants perfection.
Nostalgia- desire to go back to a point in ones life; yearning for happiness of a former place or time
I've always had a nostalgia of reliving junior high, I want to go back, no care sir worries.
Quintessence- the perfect embodiment of something
The sunset at the beach had such a quintessence to it.
Retrogress- to move backwards in a worse condition 
He retrogressed after coming back from rehab when he began using drugs again.
Scrutinize- to examine in detail
Some teachers are very scrutinizing.
Tepid- moderately warm/ or characterized by a lack of force of enthusiasm
The water was very tepid.
He was very tepid after waking up from his nap.

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