Monday, November 4, 2013

Racial Profiling Lives On

This article was about the Judge's decisions and the police's racial profiling. They are always suspicious of African Americans and Latinos because SOME of their race is living in high crime areas, and the people doing it are the same color and race as them. The police tend to follow them or ask them questions when most of the time the have no wrongdoing or they are not even doing anything. Even when they have no information or evidence they are doing something bad, they still tend to pick them out because of their race. I think this is so relevant because something like this recently happened, though not with a police officer, it was with a guy named George Zimmerman who shot the innocent Trayvon Martin. George was in neighborhood watch and Trayvon happened to be in the neighborhood at night walking to the store, George was suspicious because Martin was black, in my opinion. I feel as if a white boy were walking down the street at night he would have not suspected it was him and he would have just let the kid keep walking. Also if it were a black man that shot a white boy, the world would have ended for people out there and they would have made an EXTREMELY HUGE deal out of it. it's crazy how some people are so cruel and have to judge others just to make themselves feel more superior. No one is better than anyone else, it'll all be determined on judgement day.

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